Salted cod (Gadus Morhua)

Salted cods ( Gadus Morhua )

Elaboración y distribución de bacalao

Whole Cod


Whole piece of cod cut in half, salted and cured. Base for the preparation of regional dishes according to the traditions of each country.


SPECIE: Cad ( Gadus Morhua )

FISHING ZONE: Northwest Atlantic ( FAO 27 )

CONSERVATION:between 0ºC and 5ºC

Elaboración y distribución de bacalao: filete de bacalao

Cod fillets


Open cut of the salted cod, selecting the juiciest part and avoiding the bones.


SPECIE: Cod ( Gadus Morhua )

FISHING ZONE: Atlántico Noroeste ( FAO 27 )

CONSERVATION: between 0ºC and 5ºC

Elaboración y distribución de bacalao: Lomos de Bacalao

Cod Loin


A white, firm texture containing no bones, the cod loin is taken from the centre piece of the fish and is used in high quality culinary.


SPECIE: Cod ( Gadus Morhua )

ZONA DE PESCA: Northwest Atlantic ( FAO 27 )

CONSERVACIÓN: between 0ºC and 5ºC

Elaboración y distribución de bacalao: Tacos de bacalao

Cod Tacos


Its quality, thickness and size allow a wide variety of preparations and ensures excellent performance, obtained from the central part of the cod are ideal for the restorer.


SPECIE: Cod ( Gadus Morhua )

FISHING AREA: Atlántico Noroeste ( FAO 27 )

CONSERVATION: between 0ºC and 5ºC

Elaboración y distribución de bacalao: Bacalao desmigado

Cod Pieces


High quality cut pieces containing no skin and bone and are an ideal ingredient in omelette, croquet potatoes and ‘ajoarriero’


SPECIE: Bacalao ( Gadus Morhua )

FISHING AREA: Northwest Atlantic ( FAO 27 )

CONSERVATION: entre 0ºC y 5ºC

Elaboración y distribución de bacalao: Kokotxas de bakalao



Popular for its texture, this is the muscle between the two inferior jaw bones of the fish.


SPECIE: Bacalao ( Gadus Morhua )

FISHING AREA: Northwest Atlantic ( FAO 27 )

CONSERVATION: between 0ºC and 5ºC

 Aunque la mayoría de nuestra producción parte del bacalao Gadus Morhua del Atlántico Noreste ( FAO 27), también trabajamos con otras especies tales como: